Sakai/Tei Group


Our aim

Among the three pillars of regenerative medicine/tissue engineering, we focus on signals and scaffolds. We attempt to integrate the two to create innovative implant devices, which locally act on host cells to induce regeneration.


Development of monitoring systems for cell differentiation using cell-based sensors, Optimization of regenerative signals, High-throughput screening of small compounds for regeneration, Development of novel molding methods for scaffolds, Fabrication of intelligent biomaterials by integration with DDS.

1. Design and Fabrication of biocompatible high-strength hydrogel (Tetra Gel)

We are studying high-strength hydrogel with homogeneous network structure. This gel can be fabricated by mixing two biocompatible macromonomer solutions on-site. We plan to apply this system to injectable drug delivery system and artificial cartilage.


2. Custom-made bone implant fabricated by ink-jet printer

We apply custom-made implant to mandibular or maxillofacial reconstruction.


3. Micro-tetrapod bone implant

Micro-tetrapod bone implants were safe and effective in material tests and animal tests. We plan to apply to the clinical tests.
